The accompaniment
The certification environment can be intimidating and scary. Each company is different, by the talents that make it up, its operation and its budget.
Our core business is to support you, step by step, in setting up and achieving your performance objectives, in line with your values and the reality of your daily life.
During a first contact , we go through your objectives together and the certification possibilities available to you.
A personalized offer is then sent to you. As soon as it is accepted, we will begin your journey towards certification together.
Your path to certification
Choice of
the listener
Entry of
Performing the audit
Support in detail
The preparation of the audits and the exchanges with your auditor are carried out with the support of our Web platform. The corresponding audit reports and your certificates are always available.
During a session, we check with you how the information is entered. We remain at your disposal for any questions. We can help you very easily thanks to our remote control tool for your (secure) workstation.
Entering information


Establishment of the audit program
PHASE 1: Preparation
We analyze together your understanding of the requirements of the standard and the documentation to which you will have to comply. It is also an opportunity to create an information session with your collaborators, a stakeholder in your success.
PHASE 2: Evaluation
In particular, we assess the implementation and effectiveness of the management system, the operational control of your processes, responsibilities, staff skills, operations, documented information, performance data and the results and conclusions of internal audits. .
Performing the audit
We carry out the certification audit, complete the ACPO program data and generate the audit findings.
The non-conformities encountered are commented on with the organization's representative, who can then provide additional elements that can enable them to be reviewed in a more global context. Non-conformities are presented to you in such a way as to be understood and the response time is set by mutual agreement.

2nd and 3rd year
Follow-up audits
Surveillance audits
Surveillance audits are on-site audits that are not necessarily full system audits. They allow the certification body to maintain confidence in the certified management system and in its ability to remain compliant with requirements.
The surveillance audit program focuses in particular on the review of the actions taken with regard to the non-conformities identified during the previous audit, on the handling of complaints, the effectiveness of the management system, the state progress of planned activities aimed at continuous improvement, the review of any changes made as well as the use of certification references.
Renewal audits
The certification renewal audit must include an on-site audit, which deals in particular with the effectiveness of the management system as a whole, proof of the commitment to maintain the effectiveness and improvement of the management system. and verifying that the objectives set have been achieved.

Easily manage your certification data with our digital tools
The preparation of the audits and the exchanges with your auditor are carried out with the support of our Web platform. The corresponding audit reports and your certificates are always available.