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Media Certification

Audiovisual, Internet content producers, press

The core values of the ISAS Media certification are serving the public interest and editorial independence .


The ISAS MEDIA 9001:2016 standard enables media companies to optimize their management and internal production processes.


The standard will notably allow you to increase the satisfaction of your audience, the quality and diversity of your programs and to confirm your editorial independence.

The benefits for your media


Impact in terms of public relations, gain in credibility, gain in market share


Valuation, empowerment and motivation of the workforce


Limiting the cost of non-quality, benefits from efficiency, positive consequences on advertising and advertisers

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Rationalization and monitoring of internal production and support processes; continuous improvement ; optimization of the transition to digital

Our team and our auditors support you in establishing these standards in your company.

Do not hesitate to take

contact with our team

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Rue du Rhône 114
1204 Geneva (Switzerland)

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