ISO is the abbreviation of ISOS, which means "equal" in Greek. ISO has chosen this term so that it is the same all over the world, without the need to translate it.
ISO brings together experts from around the world, who interact to establish international quality and safety processes for goods and services on the market.
Once they have decided on the best practices in order to guarantee quality and safety, they make them "ISO" standards, followed by one or more numbers.
For example: the ISO 14001 standard, which helps companies improve their environmental performance through the reduction of waste and a more rational use of resources.
Who issues the certificates?
National and local bodies that are authorized to do so (such as ACPO in Switzerland). They too must fulfill certain conditions in order to have the right to issue ISO certificates.
Who can request to be certified?
All businesses, including yours!
Any company (without size restriction) wishing to show added value in the face of its competition and for its customers, can ask to be certified for the standard of its choice.
For example: a company active in Valais could ask to be audited in order to obtain the "Valais Excellence" label, if it meets the requirements of the standard.
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