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Wallis Excellence


Valais Excellence Label

  Certification of efficient and responsible management 

The Valais Excellence Label was created to distinguish Valais companies that are both the most efficient and the most responsible citizens, concerned about their social and environmental role and wishing to strive for constant improvement of their products and services.

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A triple guarantee

For consumers

The Valais origin of the company and the creation of added value in the territory

Double certification of the company's management (ISO 9001 certification for quality and ISO 14001 for the environment)

A commitment of the company in a civic approach with regard to Valais and its inhabitants

The Valais excellence label, identified by the Valais excellence logo, is aimed at Valais companies and institutions. Under the control of the Association of Valais Excellence Companies, the awarding of this label is based on certification of companies or institutions to ISO 9001 and 14001 standards , as well as on the analysis of criteria allowing verification of compliance with the values of the label by the applicant companies or institutions.

The Association

Join a network of committed entrepreneurs

Today more than 200 companies from all sectors of activity are labeled Valais excellence.  By joining this network of entrepreneurs, you will benefit from:

Synergies on economic and managerial topics

Thematic meetings on current issues

Attractive continuing education, tailored to your needs

Our team and our auditors support you in establishing these standards in your company.

Do not hesitate to take

contact with our team

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Rue du Rhône 114
1204 Geneva (Switzerland)

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